A retrospective on Socrates thought
By Miguel Santiago
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates
This philosophical thought emphasises the importance of humility and open-mindedness in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Admitting that we know nothing is the first step towards learning something new. It is when we let go of our ego and preconceived notions that we become receptive to new ideas and perspectives.
This thought also suggests that knowledge and wisdom are ever-evolving and continuous processes. We must never stop seeking and learning, as there is always something new to discover and understand. By acknowledging our limitations, we allow ourselves to explore and discover without constraints.
Ultimately, this thought reminds us that wisdom is not just about what we know and believe but how we approach our search for knowledge and how we continuously question and challenge our beliefs. It highlights the importance of intellectual humility, curiosity, and a willingness to learn from others.
Line engraving by P. Pontius, 1638, after Sir P. P. Rubens via Wellcome Institute, London & The Debate Of Socrates And Aspasia by Nicolas André Monsiaux, 1801 via Pushkin Museum, Moscow